Aqua Detox Replies to Critics
Aqua Detox™ is aware of the allegations made by critics and their followers concerning our system. These comments were made prior to the publication of our research and to obtaining Class IIa Medical Approval in Europe. In order for Aqua Detox™ to obtain this approval we had to prove by independent research, that the system is safe to use and the claims we make are correct. The Aqua Detox™ system does detoxify the body and all the organs of the body, as well as re-balancing and re-energizing the body. This research is readily available, but relates only to the Aqua Detox™ Detoxification System. The European Class IIa Medical approval was granted on December 21, 2004. The critics had no knowledge of this information at the time their comments were made.
We want you to be aware of these remarks as well as the benefits of the Aqua Detox™ system. Below you will find a historical timeline.
The Daily Telegraph in the UK, published an informative article on the Aqua Detox™ experience in July 2003. Article R.htm
Less than a year later, Ben Goldarce a writer with a competitor publication wrote an article in his column called “Bad Science”?. This article was released prior to publication of our research and medical approval being granted.,,1295100,00.html
Following Ben Goldacre, we also became aware of Stephen Barrett, the former psychiatrist who spends his time criticizing every form of alternative care through his websites. He has commented on chiropractic, reflexology, massage, acupuncture and other forms of alternative treatments, including Aqua Detox. However, Stephen Barrett was not aware that Aqua Detox™ was granted European Class IIa Medical Approval just days prior to his article.
Research has proven the effectiveness of the Aqua Detox™ system. We have learned that Barrett has discredited himself with Chiropractic, Naturopathic and many respectable other alternative and complimentary health organizations.
Dr. Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch Exposed In Court Cases
Barrett defeated Again!! Along with other articles
“Quack Buster”? busted: Dr. Stephen Barrett
De-licensed Stephen Barrett, Founder, Loses in Court-Again
Quackbuster, Stephen Barrett: Not an Expert, Declares Judge!!
Failed MD
Whether you choose Aqua Detox™ as a method of detoxification or not, we sincerely hope that you will continue to learn more about the importance of detoxifying the body and the effect toxins have on the functions of the body.
We trust that this information has provided a balanced response to criticisms of the Aqua Detox™ system.
Aqua Detox™ USA